Become a Volunteer

As an NGO actively working for social welfare, we are looking to welcome people who can wholeheartedly work with us and devote their valuable time as well as skills to enhance the lives of underprivileged children and neglected women for their better future. If you really want to serve the needy ones from marginalized communities, then why not come and volunteer with us?

As a volunteer, you will win the experience of working with a team of selfless people, and thereby, you will be able to contribute in a substantial way to our dream of transforming the lives of a notable chunk of people belonging to economically and socially backward section of society. With us, volunteers will gain insightful information concerning the field of charitable activities. If you think that you can make your presence felt in performing noble deeds, we would be more than overwhelmed to hear from you.

You can volunteer at Baba Neemkaroli Foundation by expressing your desires to us at

Kindly choose the category in which you want to volunteer!

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